Policy and Procedure Registration Fee There is a $200 (per student) non-refundable registration fee due upon sign up and renewed every year. All registration forms without payment is not valid Payment Options We accept cash , checks and Zelle . Payment must be made biweekly. More details in the registration form Tuition A charge of $35 will be added on any returned check. We DO NOT give refunds for classes not attended. Tuition paid cannot be refunded or transferred to another week or month. Students are NOT eligible for a pro-rated tuition refund. If you wish to withdraw your child from the program sooner than the season end, you will be charged an additional $600 and you must give a notice two weeks in advance. Tuition payments ($600 biweekly) are required every two weeks, regardless of missing any classes. Except illness or severe injury, verified by a doctor’s certificate. (In this case it can be prorated for one week payment only) This fee does not include the cost of any competition preparation or participation Private coaching fees are made separate from the tuition Notice: 2 (two) weeks on Winter break – No tuition charge
Dress Code Ballet class: Pink tights, Black leotard, Pink elastic and clean pink ballet shoes Body Conditioning class: Dark leggings . The student is required to bring their mat. Student - Teacher Contact Principal Ballet Training strives to offer teaching that is individual and "hands-on". It's appropriate for the teacher of the ballet school to manually and physically correct the position of a pupil to correct the posture or correct the legs / arms as an example. At Principal Ballet Training, teachers are permitted to make physical contact with students in a manner that is appropriate and necessary for ballet instruction. This contact is never harmful, professionally reckless, or in violation of generally accepted standards of propriety.
Before enrolling a student, please consider our policy regarding physical contact. If a student or parent/guardian feels uncomfortable with this policy, they should not register their child at our ballet program.
Parents should understand that their children are attending ballet program to learn proper techniques and positions. If a student is unable to understand the correct position and expresses discomfort with the teacher's guidance, parents are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the Artistic Director to discuss the situation.
We strive to maintain a safe and professional learning environment for all our students.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.